This article was originally created inside the Klingon language section of Wikipedia. |
mu'tlhegh chenmoHmeH mIw 'oH mIw vangwI' wot DoS'e'.
mu'tlheghDaq latlh mu'mey nung mu'mey. pIj Hol ngermey toblaH tetlh HaDtaHghach. 'op Holmey'e' Hoch nung vangwI'. vangwI''e' vebchugh je wot, vangwI'-wot-DoS Hol 'oH Holvetlh'e'.
vangwI'-wot-DoS Hol bIH Holvammey'e':
- DIvI' Hol (English 'oH Holvam pongna''e')
- DoyIchlan Hol (Deutsch 'oH Holvam pongna''e')
- vIraS Hol (Français 'oH Holvam pongna''e')
- ne'Derlan Hol (Nederlands 'oH Holvam pongna''e')