tlhIngan Hol

   SKI: This article is about the human body.   

Wikipedia W

This article was originally created inside the Klingon language section of Wikipedia.

pIm tlhIngan porgh Human porgh je. rap porgh 'ay'mey law', 'ach pIm 'op Dochmey.

tlhIngan porgh[]

Hov leng ghe'naQghomDaq law' 'op porgh 'ay'mey ghajbogh tlhInganpu'; bIraqlul 'oH wanI'vetlh pong'e'. wa' chej neH ghaj Human, cha' chejDu' ghaj tlhIngan.

porgh DungDaq nach tu'lu'. nach potlhqu' law' Hoch potlhqu' puS; tlhIngan nach teqlu'chugh, Heghbejqu' tlhIngan QoghIj ngaSmo' nach.
