This article was originally created inside the Klingon language section of Wikipedia. |
wammeH qoj HubmeH qoj HIvmeH qoj buQmeH jan, latlh Doch joq lo'lu'bogh 'oH nuH'e'.
qIt nuH nap, nuH Qatlh je. nuH bIH jeqqIj'e', taj'e', peng'e', latlhmey'e' je. rut latlh ngoQmeyvaD nuH lo'lu' 'ej rut nuH ngoQmeyvaD latlh Dochmey lulo'lu'. qechvam Sachlu'chugh, nuH luDa je De', 'oghwI' qech, qonwI' qech, latlh qechmey'e' je.
- baHjan
- beH
- ghanjaq
- HIch
- jeqqIj
- naQjej
- peng
- tal
- yan
- 'obmaQ
Hov leng nuHmey[]
- nISwI' beH
- nISwI' HIch
- pu'
- pu'beH
- pu'HIch
- betleH
- Daqtagh
- ghIntaq
- ghojmeH taj
- jey'naS
- ma'veq
- meqleH
- qutluch
- QIghpej
- SeDveq
- SoS taj
- tajtIq
- tlhevjaQ
- tuQDoq
- 'oy'naQ
Hur De'[]
mu'ghom: nuH – mu' QIjwI', mu' Sung, rurbogh mu'mey je |