tlhIngan Hol
tlhIngan Hol

Please do not use transliterations, it might confuse beginners and it's not clear anyway. I guess you've read the Help files already, they are not so big ;-)

Honestly, I do not know what quvwI'pu' tIQHa' yeSuwa' 'IHrIStoS lalDan means, even when I translate it to religion of Joshua christus' not ancient honored ones. If that church has a specific name, then just use that one as the article's name.

Lieven 11:00, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

I can't get wikia to format Jesus Christ in italics inside a link. So I can either use yeSuwa 'IHrIStoS and keep the link or I can use Jesus Christ and leave it not italicized. Both go against the guidelines laid out in the help file. Feel free to change it if you can figure it out.

I don't know what Don Qub lalDan means...

--naHQun 05:07, July 10, 2012 (UTC)

me neither :-) Where do you see that?
--Lieven 12:33, July 12, 2012 (UTC)
The line directly above quvwI'pu'...
--naHQun 10:17, July 14, 2012 (UTC)

Christian ghaH 'Iv'e'?[]

We can talk about many things, but I definitely do not agree with this new name.

We must still try to see this wikia from an international point of view, or maybe from a Klingon point. This lalDan is not the one of "Christian", it's the one of Jesus Christ, or more common "Christus". Everybody knows the word Christus. This is too much confusing. By the way, if you move this to english, you should call it "Christianity", not "Christian Religion." A German reader would ask "Who is Christian?" My neighbour's name is Christian, too. -- Lieven 12:04, 21 March 2007 (UTC)